As the day rises to meet the sun

I often start my day by reading from a book called “Common Prayer: a liturgy for ordinary radicals”. The first line is always the same: “O Lord, let my soul rise up to meet you as the day rises to meet the sun.” Due to the incredible generosity of some friends who invited me to… Continue reading As the day rises to meet the sun

Hope is a big word

Today we had our weekly drop-in at the Salvation Army Thrift Store “Coffee Corner”.. A friend joined us who is often in conversation with herself and/or an unseen other. She is sometimes very clear, and sometimes not. Today she spoke about a lot of things, including the feeling that she doesn’t have anyone in her… Continue reading Hope is a big word

Toronto, the small town

I love outreach. Erinn wrote a great post about outreach yesterday ( ), and last night I had another experience that I’d like to share. I am part of a number of communities in Toronto outside The Dale, and these communities often overlap in a delightfully symbiotic way. One of these communities is Sanctuary,… Continue reading Toronto, the small town

Some post-Christmas and New Years thoughts

Christmas and New Years can be complicated times. Christmas, especially, is an emotionally-charged time, and I have a lot of conflicting feelings about it. I had a bit of a breakthrough this December, which I’d like to share with you. I accidentally went to the Dufferin Mall on Black Friday. I should say, I went… Continue reading Some post-Christmas and New Years thoughts

A bit of background

Hello again! I realize that I sort of dove into this blog to let you know about the loss of my job at Alternative Grounds, and to invite you to join me on this new stage of the journey as I figure out what’s next. So I thought that it might be a good idea… Continue reading A bit of background